Creature Feature Screening

Tonight a handful of the cast and crew traveled to Tampa for the first annual Creature Feature Film Competition. After an evening of short films, The Smartest Motherfuckers in the Room won both Best Script & Best Production Design (Jeremy E. Evans) & Best Editing (Krystal Alexandria). Some additional accolades in title only were BEST FILM Runner Up, 2nd Place Best Directing (Jeremy E. Evans), 2nd Place Best Creature (Todd Gibson), 2nd Place Cinematography (Jeremiah Baumbach), & 3rd Place Performance - (Mojavi Sanz).


The Good:

-The variety of characters

-The writing was on point. Great job with the comedy and flow of everything.

-It's funny! Lots of good running gags, self-aware but with a minimum of nerding out (that reference to Kevin Smith animal husbandry comes close, but then again there's a Delta Force 2 hand painted poster in the background of the setting...). That "These are dire times" line was particularly good, as was the "Kill him kill him kill him" montage.

-This film was on point in all regards. I was cracking up from the beginning to the end.

-The best quality of the film is comedic timing not only of the actors but the editor as well.

-Horror comedies are a tough nut to crack. If you go too silly, it can undermine the horror of the situation unfolding around the characters. This film deftly balanced its bawdy humor with an acknowledgement of the zombie uprising outside the door. And there were a couple of great one-liners sprinkled throughout.

The Constructive Feedback:

-Dialog. There could have been half the number of times the f-word was said and still been funny.

-Tough to say. There's nothing specifically that I would single out. Maybe less dancing montages in the future haha

-The ending struck me as a bit fanboy-y, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but that seemed to play upon the viewer going "Oh I remember video stores" rather than doing much to advance a joke or bit (solid zombo makeup though!).

-I was a little disappointed how the main character died. It was so quick I didn't even realize it was him.

-The best horror comedies provide big laughs to compliment the gore and screams. I would recommend paying close attention to every joke to make sure it lands, while also goosing the horror a bit to offer an unexpected punch of carnage that surprises the audience and keeps them off balance.  

The Smartest Motherfuckers In The Room - Behind The Scenes

For the first annual Creature Feature Competition we pulled “Undead Zombie/Contagion” as our category and “Comedy” as our genre. Over Italian we came up with the concept of “The Smartest Motherfuckers In The Room”. Logline: The end is here! Strangers coming together to overcome unknown adversities. Heroes born out of strife. This is not that story. Really, this is NOT that story.

We reached out to our usual cast and crew but knew we needed do bring some additional talent on board so we put out a casting call and messaged a few old acquaintances to see if they might be interested in participating. 7 days later we were rolling with an awesome cast & crew!

We would like to thank the staff of BAMF! Comic Shop who generously allowed us to shoot within their Video Howdy Stop. Stop by and check out their collection of comics and collectables when you are in the Maitland area.

48 Hour Film Project Competition

Through a series of events beyond our control our team found ourselves financially coerced into participating in the 48 Film Project. Our group pulled “Silent Film”. What transpired over the next forty-eight hours was just short of a masterpiece as out of 29 eligible teams we place in the Runner Up position (ie; first loser). WE are that good. A feast for the senses, Lest My Memories Be Tainted By Tomorrow.


For your viewing pleasure. This the Final Cut of The Transfer.

The Year is 1994. Major Beaumont and is 11 marauders have secured—at great peril—a package for Genghis the Centurion. They have traveled to the outer bands of space to rendezvous with their liaison at the Lost Pilgrim…

Creature Feature Screening

Tonight a handful of the cast and crew traveled to Tampa for the inaugural Creature Feature Film Competition. After an evening of short films our group walked away with both Best Cinematography (Jeremiah Baumbach) & Best Actor (Kevin Winn). Kevin also won the candy raffle.


The cinematography and production design was very good and brought me into the world with its uniqueness. However, there were audio syncs issues with dubbing that made it distracting. You have a variety of characters but I think it would be better to flesh out a few and focus on them for such a short film. The dialogue didn't fit well, and I think it may have cause the pacing to be a little too slow because of it. The idea of the story was good, but because I didn't know which character I should focus on, it was hard to hard to get the impact. I did get a grindhouse meets western feel which I did find unique.

The production design and costuming really made this feel like a unique world. it was very well done.

Try to be creative and don't let foul language and bad comebacks carry the story.

"THE TRANSFER" Behind The Scenes

It’s been awhile since our team helmed a creative project within the horror / sci-fi genre so when we were offered the opportunity to compete in the inaugural year of the Creature Feature Film Competition we jumped at the chance. We pulled “Alien” as our category and “Drama” as our genre.

On a location scout we came across the post-apocalyptic bar Vault 5421 located in the back of the Gods & Monsters Comic Shop. We couldn’t have designed a more perfect setting for our film, “The Transfer”.


For Your viewing pleasure. This is the final cut of “The Ferryman”.

“Have you ever heard of the Ferryman?” A lost soul wanders across a post-apocalyptic wasteland searching for redemption in a shattered and feral world. Possessed by three totems, this broken-hearted survivor revisits a traumatic past. But hopefully, the traveler can overcome these demons to purchase safe passage with the Ferryman. Possessed by three totems and haunting memories, a broken-hearted traveler must overcome personal demons in order to purchase safe passage with the Ferryman.

Our production manager Lamar encouraged our group register for the first annual End of Days Film Film Challenge. We had one month to produce a post-apocalyptic film. What transpired over the next 30 days was a daunting task but it forged new friendships between cast and crew and even elevated some to the winner’s circle.

Lon Madnight's Midnight Movies - Release

The initial 5 episodes of Lon Madnight's Midnight Movies are finally complete! The Brain That Wouldn't Die, Black Sunday,  Devil Bat, Horror Express, & The House On Haunted Hill. You can screen select episodes by clicking HERE.

Location Scout - The Shallow Grave

Today I paid a visit to The Shallow Grave to meet with owner/operator Joe Phillips & explore what was voted the BEST haunted house in Central Florida. While there I shot a crowd funding campaign which will be released shortly. Photos By Jeremy E. Evans

Suncoast Emmy Awards

This years theme for the Suncoast Regional Emmys was, Is there an Emmy in your Future?  There still may be one for me but tonight was not the night. However, I had a memorable evening with Kim during & after the ceremony.

A Petrified Forest Chapter 3

Now that Halloween has passed we we able to modify some of the sets within the Museum of Mayhem at A Petrified Forest. We started off in the cornfield then moved into the Persian pit of doom, & then finally wrapped up in the mummy's tomb. Makeup, masks, & props by Todd Gibson. Behind the Scenes Photos by Jeremy E. Evans. 

A Petrified Forest Chapter 2

This fall we returned to A Petrified Forest to shoot within the sets of the Museum of Mayhem. We began with a scene inside a creepy shack then moved onto a brief clip with a beautiful yet deadly vampire. Finally we cranked up our major scene of the night which included a chainsaw wielding dwarf clown & his stilt walking parter in crime. Makeup by Todd Gibson.

Behind the Scenes Photos by Jeremy E. Evans.

Location Scout at "Legends, A Haunting at Old Town"

Kim & I just survived our Legends, A Haunting at Old Town location scout. Thanks to owners Jim Shackelford & Jay Westerman for their hospitality. The newly renovated Ashdown & Son’s Undertakers is actually the original Grimm House at Old Town. It has been gutted and given an extremely creepy makeover. We look forward to shooting within this one-of-a-kind attraction soon. 


"The Reel of Horror" Recieves Emmy Nomination

Jeremiah Baumbach, Director of Photography for The Reel of Horror, has received another EMMY Nomination for Photography. This is Jeremiah’s third EMMY nomination. This accolade would not be possible without the efforts of the entire cast & crew behind this ambitious project.


Lon Madnight's "Madnight Movies" - Pilot

Studio Tomb is the scene for all the fun & fear! Where there’s no escape from TV’s grooviest ghoulies, as they bring you fantastic films featuring demons & devil bats, haunted houses & horrible heads, all presented in sinister style by that old school ghoul & his modern minions!

Lon Madnight emerges from the Crypt Of Horror to present forgotten fright-films along with his intern Kim & Spooky Sam! So turn down your lights, grab someone to drink, and settle in with your favorite nightmares!  Stay glued to your grave for MADNIGHT MOVIES!

Behind the Scenes Photos by Jeremy E. Evans.

Back in the Studio to Produce "Lon Madnight's" Midnight Movies

The crew that is bringing you "The Reel of Horror" has teamed up with Alchemy House Productions & Lon Madnight to produce 5 episodes of "Madnight Movies".

Today Steve of Alchemy House brought in some props to theme both the studio set for the performance & the linear editing bay for a few of Lon Madnight's cut scenes. 


Location Scout at "The Howey Mansion"

Today Kim & I found ourselves driving back through Howey-in-the-Hills so we decided to pay a visit to the Howey Mansion. I knew of a few classmates who shot their thesis film here back in 2000. Since then the owner has been placed in a nursing home & property has fallen into disrepair. After taking these photos I was able to track down the attorney in charge of the residence but he was not keen on the idea of a horror film being shot on the grounds.