Creature Feature Screening

Tonight a handful of the cast and crew traveled to Tampa for the first annual Creature Feature Film Competition. After an evening of short films, The Smartest Motherfuckers in the Room won both Best Script & Best Production Design (Jeremy E. Evans) & Best Editing (Krystal Alexandria). Some additional accolades in title only were BEST FILM Runner Up, 2nd Place Best Directing (Jeremy E. Evans), 2nd Place Best Creature (Todd Gibson), 2nd Place Cinematography (Jeremiah Baumbach), & 3rd Place Performance - (Mojavi Sanz).


The Good:

-The variety of characters

-The writing was on point. Great job with the comedy and flow of everything.

-It's funny! Lots of good running gags, self-aware but with a minimum of nerding out (that reference to Kevin Smith animal husbandry comes close, but then again there's a Delta Force 2 hand painted poster in the background of the setting...). That "These are dire times" line was particularly good, as was the "Kill him kill him kill him" montage.

-This film was on point in all regards. I was cracking up from the beginning to the end.

-The best quality of the film is comedic timing not only of the actors but the editor as well.

-Horror comedies are a tough nut to crack. If you go too silly, it can undermine the horror of the situation unfolding around the characters. This film deftly balanced its bawdy humor with an acknowledgement of the zombie uprising outside the door. And there were a couple of great one-liners sprinkled throughout.

The Constructive Feedback:

-Dialog. There could have been half the number of times the f-word was said and still been funny.

-Tough to say. There's nothing specifically that I would single out. Maybe less dancing montages in the future haha

-The ending struck me as a bit fanboy-y, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but that seemed to play upon the viewer going "Oh I remember video stores" rather than doing much to advance a joke or bit (solid zombo makeup though!).

-I was a little disappointed how the main character died. It was so quick I didn't even realize it was him.

-The best horror comedies provide big laughs to compliment the gore and screams. I would recommend paying close attention to every joke to make sure it lands, while also goosing the horror a bit to offer an unexpected punch of carnage that surprises the audience and keeps them off balance.  
