Lloyd Kaufman of Troma Entertainment is on set today.

Lloyd Kaufman a true auteur arrived early & spoke to students at Everest University about his career as a filmmaker in addition to the current state of the film industry. He then stepped into the studio to play the part of the demented projectionist. Lloyd worked tirelessly until it was time to go but before he left he presented Jeremiah with an Official Troma Diploma and offered a few kind words for the crew plus some advice for aspiring filmmakers. Listen to Lloyd's words of wisdom below. Makeup by Nicole Sweeney. Behind the Scenes Photos by Jeremy E. Evans.

My Dinner with Lloyd...

After doing my homework I discovered that filmmaker Lloyd Kaufman was traveling to Orlando for Megacon. I knew he would be perfect for the role of the projectionist and after contacting his assistant, we made a deal.

Lloyd & I spoke briefly on the phone but I wanted a real conversation with him where I could have his full attention without the pressure of having to shoot my film at the same time. Lloyd agreed to have dinner with me prior to another engagement he had one evening. I chose a restaurant within walking distance to his next meeting. We went to a 24 hour diner where the transgender wait staff serve American fare. 

I had list of career and industry questions for Lloyd that I wanted answered openly & honestly. However, that evening had been slated for LIVE entertainment and as we ordered and ate the lady boys lip synced and shook their asses to Birttany Spear's "Toxic" & Lady Gaga's "Born this Way". Lloyd & his lovely wife Pat seemed unfazed by the chaos. 

After we finished our intimate dinner we went with them to the Peacock Room where our cover was waved as we were part of Lloyd's entourage. I guess knowing Uncle Lloydie has it's privileges. (Unfortunately, lady boy lap dances are not one of them). 

Jeremy E. Evans (Set Photographer) Lloyd Kaufman (President & Co-Founder of Troma Entertainment), Pat Kaufman (New York Film Commissioner) Kimberly Honnell (Production Manager), & Jeremiah Baumbach (Director of Photography)

Weekend at Jeremiah's

This weekend we turned my living room into a death chamber complete with a smoking electric chair! We also explored the use a Reflec Media green screen kit for some potential compositing on future shoots. Finally we shot a bit of additional content for the HorrorscapeS party atmosphere commercial spot & a wicked ouija board scene.

A number of F/X Artists contributed their killer talents this weekend; JD Ellis, Karyna Martinez, Nicole Sweeney, & Lauren Susman.

Special thanks to Steven Shea of Abyssmal Entertainment for lending me his electric chair.

Behind the Scenes Photos by Jeremy E. Evans & Michael Gavin.

"The Reel of Horror" at The Old Time Portrait Gallery

Destination: Old Town.  We pulled in at around 10:30pm & started unloading our gear into The Old Time Portrait Gallery. Since this location is in the heart of a tourist destination we were required to shoot overnight. I knew time was going to be a factor so I decide to run with two simultaneous crews. One crew was lead by a film school classmate, Judson. Jay, a former student headed up the second team. A lot of the staff who work at the photo studio graciously volunteered to perform as talent.

I had planned to use JD Ellis as my FX artist but he came down with the flu. Fortunately, Nicole Sweeney came to my rescue literally taking my call & coming on board a mere ten hours before the all night shoot was going to roll. 

It was a grueling night but we were fortunate enough to get a few short scenes in the can including; the Creeper, the Crying Bride, & the Banshees. Where I made my fatal flaw was when I made the decision to shoot a longer Western scenario that was too complicated for the short window that we had available.  In hindsight I should have shot a larger variety of scenes that required fewer than five setups. 

Behind the Scenes Photos by Jeremy E. Evans & Michael Gavin.

A Petrified Forest Chapter 1

Now that Halloween is over we've been able to take advantage of the great sets at A Petrified Forest. We setup during daylight hours then at dusk we shot our first scene at Ted's Bait Shack.  After dark we put production into high gear & shot a ghostly scene in a haunted school bus, an unhappy apparition in a library, a few girls being pursued by maniacs through the boiler room, a quick clip of a hungry zombie, & a mysterious ghostly bride before wrapping up the night. JD Ellis & Karyna Martinez of Post Mortem FX provided special F/X makeup & props. Behind the Scenes Photos by Jeremy E. Evans & Michael Gavin.

Spooky Empire 2012

This fall I attended Orlando's annual horror convention Spooky Empire. It was a great opportunity to meet potentail partners & players for future scenes. On Friday I was witness to the Zombie Walk. There I saw one particular gentleman who I had seen at a number of other events around town. Fortunately, I was able to convince his lovely wife Cy to break character and share their contact info. That evening I ran into a lot of people that I knew and met a handful of new horror buffs.

On Saturday I sat in on a few industry related panels then introduced myself to a few possible scare-actors. Exploring the trade show floor I met a number of vendors one in particular being Robert Deleno of Dead Man's Lumber. Robert makes both miniature and life size medieval torture devices. We plan on incorporating his wood & steel oddities into a future shoot. I capped off the day at the Hearse car show where I met a few owners whose cars may make an appearance in a upcoming scene. 

The Asylum - Haunted House of the Criminally Insane

This evening I paid a visit to Club Asylum to shoot a promo video for their seasonal haunted house, The Asylum. Once this Halloween season is over we plan on returning to shoot within a place that few ever escape...

"The Reel of Horror" at Crescent J Ranch at Forever Florida

We spent a 16 hour day shooting at Forever Florida, a 4,700 acre cattle ranch and conservation area that offers horseback riding, zip lining, & eco-safaris. We spent the day & part of the night shooting scenes of sadistic rodeo clowns, zombies breaking free from quarantine, & horny hillbillies. We had a killer team of makeup artists that joined us on set today; JD Ellis, Rick Gonzales, Karyna Martinez, & Nichole Sweeney. Behind the Scenes Photos by Jeremy E. Evans.

Nicole Sweeney, FX Artist (or should I say Zombie wrangler) really came through for me today as she rounded up eight of our ten quarantined zombies. Behind the Scenes by Jeremy E. Evans.

Our "Headshot" zombie, Jayvo Scott had recently come off another another horror film, Rockabilly Zombie Weekend where he played the part of Tall Joe. He brought along his model girlfriend Amanda Vivid who played the part of a woman desperate to escape her sadistic captors. Behind the Scenes by Jeremy E. Evans.

National Fitness Experts Steve & Bonnie Pfiester played the parts of the rodeo clown & one of his victims respectively. Behind the Scenes by Jeremy E. Evans.

Everyone involved got into the spirit of the shoot and gave it their all. A few charters of note were Jonathan & Rory who literarily shoveled horse shit then rolled in it for an authentic look & smell.  Behind the Scenes by Jeremy E. Evans.

Love is in the air or is it in that burlap sack? Our Hellbilly Honeymoon vignette featured the petite Shelby, who only tagged along today to watch, but instead got dragged across the ground in a dirty burlap sack before being struck in the head with a faux baseball bat. Behind the Scenes by Jeremy E. Evans.

Casting at Mayhem in May

This afternoon I arrived at Spooky Empire's annual Zombie Walk in search of some potential talent for an upcoming shoot. The makeup area was complete chaos but I was able to make a quick exchange with airbrush artist Mick Velasquez. Then as the walk began to commence I ran into former students, Jay & Jen who were producing a local television show for Indie Cinema Showcase

21:07 Zombie Walk 


As part of our barter with the Central Florida Zoo to host our Macabre Carnival we were required to support their recent Zooloween event. Michael "Hollywood" Speigner came up with an intense scenario at the perimeter of the zoo. Arriving guests had to wait for an Airsoft escort to lead them safely through a zombie outbreak and into the party. Once inside, costumed guests stepped into our Photo Booth to capture a keepsake of their evening. Behind the Scenes by Jeremy E. Evans. 

"HorrorscapeS"- Receives Emmy Nomination

Jeremiah Baumbach, Director of Photography for HorrorscapeS, received an EMMY Nomination for Photography. This is Jeremiah’s Second EMMY nomination & the first for HorrorscapeS! This accolade would not be possible without the efforts of the entire cast & crew behind this ambitious project.


The Macabre Carnival

The evening started with perfect weather & a long line of eager party-goers. The night included both tricks (we ran out of beer) & treats (a sexy lingerie fashion show by Fairvilla).

"HorrorscapeS" DVD Release Party at the Central Florida Zoo

Today our flyers promoting the HorrorscapeS DVD release party arrived in the mail. This fundraiser, taking place at the Central Florida Zoo is sure to entertain. This Macabre Carnival promises a host of frightening events & fun throughout the evening: including a Halloween Lingerie Fashion Show by Fairvilla, Stilt Walkers, Magicians, Fortune Tellers, Hula Artists, Sexy Gothic Shooter Girls, Fire Dancers, Airbrush Artists, Sideshow Acts, Burlesque Performances, & a Costume Contest at Midnight. Order your tickets in advance, the big event is a month away!