We spent a 16 hour day shooting at Forever Florida, a 4,700 acre cattle ranch and conservation area that offers horseback riding, zip lining, & eco-safaris. We spent the day & part of the night shooting scenes of sadistic rodeo clowns, zombies breaking free from quarantine, & horny hillbillies. We had a killer team of makeup artists that joined us on set today; JD Ellis, Rick Gonzales, Karyna Martinez, & Nichole Sweeney. Behind the Scenes Photos by Jeremy E. Evans.

Nicole Sweeney, FX Artist (or should I say Zombie wrangler) really came through for me today as she rounded up eight of our ten quarantined zombies. Behind the Scenes by Jeremy E. Evans.
Our "Headshot" zombie, Jayvo Scott had recently come off another another horror film, Rockabilly Zombie Weekend where he played the part of Tall Joe. He brought along his model girlfriend Amanda Vivid who played the part of a woman desperate to escape her sadistic captors. Behind the Scenes by Jeremy E. Evans.
National Fitness Experts Steve & Bonnie Pfiester played the parts of the rodeo clown & one of his victims respectively. Behind the Scenes by Jeremy E. Evans.
Everyone involved got into the spirit of the shoot and gave it their all. A few charters of note were Jonathan & Rory who literarily shoveled horse shit then rolled in it for an authentic look & smell. Behind the Scenes by Jeremy E. Evans.
Love is in the air or is it in that burlap sack? Our Hellbilly Honeymoon vignette featured the petite Shelby, who only tagged along today to watch, but instead got dragged across the ground in a dirty burlap sack before being struck in the head with a faux baseball bat. Behind the Scenes by Jeremy E. Evans.